Today Liz Borino stops by to discuss her latest book.
Liz Borino is the debut author of Expectations and its sequel, What Money Can’t Buy published by Lazy Day. Throughout her education, including a Bachelor’s Degree from Hofstra University, she’s kept her stories to herself, but this only child is all grown up and wants to share them with the world. Her roots are in Bethlehem, Pa, but she loves to experience new cultures. As fun as that is, Liz likes nothing better than curling up at home with a good book or her work in progress.
IAN. Tell us about your latest book.
LB. What Money Can’t Buy, the sequel to Expectations, finds the two couples, Chris and Aiden and Matt and Carley, eagerly anticipating parenthood. However, their personal struggles continue. Though Matt overcame his dependency on alcohol, new temptations present themselves. And with Carley on bed rest, these temptations put a greater strain on their relationship. Chris continues to deal with issues regarding his father. These issues increase with greater proximity. When tragedy strikes, the best and worst in everyone is revealed. Can they stick together, or will their reactions tear them apart?
IAN. How long did it take to write the book?
LB. It took me about six months to write What Money Can’t Buy and two or three to edit it.
IAN. What inspired you to write What Money Can’t Buy?
LB. I knew after Expectations, the Taylor Twins had more stories to share with me and the world.
IAN. Talk about the writing process. Do you write at night or in the morning?
LB. I love to write in the morning, when my mind is fresh. I also do well right out of the shower. My ideas are generated from stepping away from the word document. Sometimes, that means talking to my beta readers and other times it’s creating perfect silence in my mind and heart. Give the characters room to be heard.
IAN. Did you use an outline or do you just wing the first draft?
LB. I try to write within an outline, but inevitably the story will change as I write it. That’s alright, great even. How many of our lives turn out just as we envision them?
IAN. How is your book different from others in your genre?
LB. In the Romance genre, I see a lot of unbalanced relationships. One partner is always controlling, while the other is afraid to disobey them. I can’t do that to my characters. I don’t believe in that lifestyle, I can’t write it.
IAN. Is your book published in print, e-book or both?
LB. E-book.
IAN. What do you hope your readers come away with after reading your book?
LB. All relationships made from love and trust deserve support and respect.
IAN. Where can we go to buy your book?
LB. Amazon: http://amzn.to/iYZ5vk
B&N: http://bit.ly/lzDLqY
IAN. Tell us about your next book or a work in progress. Is it a sequel or a stand alone?
LB. The next book is the third in the series and that’s all I can currently say.
IAN. Any other links or info you'd like to share?
LB. Expectations can be found http://amzn.to/k1WpQL and B&N http://bit.ly/e7mwDj
What Money Can’t Buy by Liz Borino
364 pages Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Lazy Day
An Excerpt
“Matt, where are you going?” Carley asked as he finished setting up the living room and reached for his winter jacket.
Matt took a deep breath and counted to ten in his head. It was difficult to keep the irritation out of his voice when he had to keep repeating himself. “I’m going to pick up my dad, get him settled at Chris and Aiden’s and then eat dinner.”
“You’re eating dinner there?”
“Yeah, hon. I’ll bring you back some.”
“Some what?” Carley asked, trying to tone down her frustration. The doctor put her on bed rest at her last appointment because she had bleeding and he feared a miscarriage. It meant she had two options, the bed or the couch. Carley saw this as an opportunity for her and Matt to slow down and spend some more time together. Unfortunately, he didn’t see it that way. Matt worked more. When they worked together it mattered less how much they were in the office. They enjoyed work after starting their marketing company. Enjoyed each other, their clients, and their other business partner, Cyndi. However, Carley did not enjoy the long days when she was stuck at home and Matt was at work. She was hardly looking forward to three more months like this.
“I don’t know.” Matt ran his hand through his hair. “Chris didn’t know what he was cooking when I talked to him.”
“You know I can’t eat shellfish.” Carley bit her lip after the words left her mouth. How often has either of us made shellfish? Instead Matt gave her a pained smile. “I know and so does he. I’m sure it’ll be chicken or steak.” He walked toward the door and glanced over his shoulder, “Do you need anything else while I’m out?”
You. I need you.Carley shook her head. “Thanks, babe. I got everything I need here.”
He nodded and grabbed his keys. “I’ll be home.” She wanted something else, but Matt chose to ignore it. He had to get out of there.
They moved up to Hartford last week, or rather, he and Chris moved them up. Carley couldn’t help because of the baby. So, she stayed with Aiden. These damn hormones were gonna kill him. And they weren’t even in his body. The first few weeks of the pregnancy were fine. Carley was happy, excited. If he was being honest, so was he. Carley didn’t have any morning sickness. Though, Matt did find himself placating requests of mustard and egg sandwiches in the middle of the night. All in all, the first trimester was pleasant. It was just now that she was starting to get a noticeable belly. Matt thought it was beyond adorable. That all changed three weeks ago.
One of the few nights they spent apart, Matt was at his loft hanging out with Chris and Aiden. It’d be one of the last nights they lived together. So, they all sat around playing poker and ragging on each other. The ragging only intensified when Matt answered his cell on the first ring, but he waved them quiet before saying, “Yes, baby?”
“Matt…are you busy?” Came Carley’s hesitant reply.
“Define busy, sweetheart. I’m demonstrating the proper way to play five card, by whooping Chris and Aiden into oblivion. What’s up?”
“The baby, Matt. I...don’t know. I’m bleeding pretty bad…and…” anything else was chocked out by tears.
“I’m leaving now. It’s gonna be alright.” Matt told her, though he had no idea if it was true. He cursed the traffic present even at 11PM in New York City as he picked her up and they drove to the hospital. The doctor told them she was at risk for a miscarriage. After a night in the ER, Carley was put on bed rest. No work, lifting, stress, and…no sex. Matt nearly swallowed his tongue when the doctor said that. Of course, the baby would come first, but damn it, three months? It had easily been five years since he’d gone that long.
Matt shook his head as he turned into the rehab facility where his father stayed until Chris and Aiden moved in. He’d be lying if he didn’t admit he was jealous of their house. He and Carley got a much more modest three bedroom. Quaint, perfect, she’d said. Wouldn’t last if they had more than one child. Shit, where did that come from? It was dumb really. They had more than enough money for something more elaborate. Chris didn’t even like the grandeur. He never enjoyed it. So, why the big house? Because they would have a slew of children to fill it.
Matt parked the car and met a young nurse standing behind his father’s wheelchair. Out of habit Matt noted she wasn’t wearing a wedding ring. Oh yeah…that’s a great habit to have. He gave her a smile and offered his hand, “Hi, I’m his son, Matt Taylor.”
“I’m Sarah.” She smiled and glanced down at Robert.
Matt crouched down so he could look his father in the eye. “Hey there, Dad. How you feeling today?” Matt didn’t expect an answer. He doubted his father could answer. The nurses and doctors swore he had good days. Days when he was more responsive. Matt and Chris witnessed a few of these. Robert would blink in response to questions…and this was an improvement. Just months ago, Robert ran a multi-billion dollar business. And now he couldn’t lift a cup to his lips. Matt stood and gave the nurse…Sarah? another smile, “How is he so far today?”
“It’s been a lot of commotion. What with moving and packing…” Sarah stopped.
“It’s ok; I don’t expect anything out of him.” Matt signed the stack of papers she handed him.
“I’m sure it’ll be better once we get him set up at your brother’s house with a comfortable routine.” She glanced between Matt and Robert. “Um, your brother, Chris? He has a different last name…”
“Oh yeah, he took his husband’s name when they got married.” Matt answered glancing up to gauge her reaction. Chris wanted to disassociate himself from their father as much as possible.
“Oh…I see….” Sarah stammered.
“Is there a problem?” Matt’s eyes darkened with the question. He sensed judgment on her part and he didn’t take kindly to it.
“No, no, I’m sorry. He just never mentioned it in the interview or any of our other conversations…”
Matt studied her for a second before deciding she was far too nervous to really mean harm, “Well, think of it this way, if he asked you a similar question during an interview, you could’ve sued.” He offered a half smile, “Come on, let’s call some help and we’ll get him home.”
Sarah nodded, and then left to get a male orderly to help put Robert in the transport van.
Matt watched her hips sway as she walked off and shook his head, “Dad, you sure know how to pick ‘em. Honestly…”