
Monday, May 20, 2024

Steven Rosner-The IAN Interview

Steven Rosner

Steven is seeker of truth. He is always looking at the bigger picture and delving deep into the core of what life means. If engaged in a conversation with Steven, you will always be challenged and perhaps enlightened by his unique and creative view of life, Scripture and spirituality. His keen intuitive sense may direct you to a new understanding that you were not aware of. Steven is constantly probing the most difficult questions about God, why are we here, the meaning of life, etc.

Steven’s personal life has spanned a broad spectrum of experience and adventure. He has a Master’s Degree in Psychology from Hofstra University, worked in corporate America as a systems analyst, and was a vice-president of Salomon Brothers, He has driven a taxi, written seven books (FREE to read on his website:, and a dozen scholarly papers on topics as diverse as the taxi industry in Raleigh, NC, the Tenant-Landlord Court in NYC, Multiple Sclerosis, and Introduction to Condominiums, produced, directed, and acted in his father’s plays, published short stories, and a lot more.

But it his deeds that define him to friends and acquaintances and place him in a unique category—for example, Steven goes out of his way to help others when he sees they are a victim of injustice. He is not afraid to get involved. His desire is to inspire people to have a bit more integrity and compassion. He took responsibility for his parents care for almost 10 years so they were able to remain in their apartment, and didn’t ship them off to a nursing home, like most people do these days., (Steven’s parents were married for 77 years; both his mother and father died quietly at home in their sleep: His mother: 97; his father: 106.)

Behind the scenes, Steven is a kind and caring person. He is a loving husband, father, and grandfather. And while some people, at first, find his direct manner a bit intimidating, his kindness is real. If you go deeper, you’ll discover his intention is always for the best and his heart is full of compassion. He has a strong sense of integrity and honesty. He will not tell you what you want to hear, but will tell you the truth. His soul abhors deceit, so he is heartsick observing the lack of integrity in our culture.

IAN: Please tell us about your latest book.

Steven Rosner: In The Vulnerability of God (2024) we assert very, very few people truly understand Him. And thus for the almost six thousand years, according to Scripture, that this universe has been in existence,[1] the vast majority of His creatures have treated Him hardly in accordance with His Eminence. Not realizing or caring that He is the Source of their life, God has been abused, disparaged, mocked, ridiculed, derided, defied, disregarded, defamed, scorned—pick a verb—in short, treated with contempt! Or arguably, even worse, God has been totally ignored!

As a result, God has suffered throughout the Millenia—exponentially greater and far longer than any human being—despite billions of people of various religions, sects, and modalities who pray to Him—some on a daily basis—without truly understanding what they are doing—not to mention why they are doing so. As a result, it is fair to state God is basically alone—although forlorn and isolated are better descriptors.

This book, therefore, is written first and foremost for God; to assure Him there are, at least, some who understand His nature, and appreciate His efforts in our behalf; that is, the food we receive, the shelter He provides, the ability to live a fairly long life with its pleasures and blessings, and His greatest gift of all: Free-Will.

The book assumes you, the reader, knows little if anything about God. Not that God is a new concept, but much of what you were taught as a child is pure fiction. Moreover, you almost never think of about Him, His inner emotional life, or care about His well-being. For if religious, you follow the rituals of your culture, but only repeat what was ingrained into you from a very early age, without considering alternatives, or whether, in fact, there is any truth to what you have been taught. Or perhaps you are part of about half-the-world that does not believe in a God as a separate Being; a God Who has emotions, feelings, an altruistic nature, suffers, and is enraged by injustice in the world He created. If so, this book is especially important to at least consider!

Finally, all monotheistic religions, such as Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, believe we are here to do God’s Will, while we have yet to meet anyone who conceives God wishes to do our Will! Nor have we met anyone who conceives and desires to make God’s life easier! Rather, we all want something from God, and it never occurs to us to do something for Him—to ease His suffering!

For is God truly unknowable? Quite the opposite! The number of times He reveals Himself in the Old Testament are too numerous to count.

In fact, we know more about God than we do about our own spouse, parents, children, and friends, because God hides nothing from us, but reveals everything about Himself throughout Scripture!

For thus says the Lord—Who created the Heavens;

Who formed the Earth and did not create it in vain,

But Who formed it to be inhabited.

“I am the Lord, and there is no other.

I did not speak in secret, in a land of darkness.

I did not say to the children of Jacob,

‘Seek Me out in a wasteland’,

But I, the Lord, Who foretell reliably,

Announced beforehand what is to come.”[2]


Alas, there has never been a time in history when the world is so topsy-turvy, that evil is considered good, and good is considered evil—and that the need to know God has been as crucial.

However, we fully comprehend—as does God—it will take great courage to “break” with your inner “program,” even when our “souls” know that the assertions and speculations from others are totally misguided.

God stands in the gathering of the judiciary.

In their midst, He will pronounce judgment.

How much longer will you judge corruptly,

And decide in favor of the wicked?

Protect the downtrodden and fatherless!

Do justice to the poor and afflicted!

Exonerate the impoverished and the destitute!

Deliver them from the hand of their oppressors!

They do not apprehend; They fail to understand.

They walk about in darkness.

I had said, “You are godlike beings;”

But all of you are sons of the Most High.

You shall die like mortals; And fall as any other prince.”

Arise, Oh God, and judge the Earth!

And reign over all the nations.[3]

IAN: Is The Vulnerability of God published in print, e-book or both?

Steven Rosner: All my books can be purchased on-line at Amazon, Barnes & Nobel, my publisher Outskirts Press, or ordered at your local book store.  A Kindle version is available, as well, at Amazon for 99 cents.

IAN: Where can we go to buy The Vulnerability of God?

Steven Rosner:

IAN: What inspired you to write The Vulnerability of God?

Steven Rosner: In my latter years, to make up for the folly of my youth, I wanted to use whatever time I had left, to try to help make this a better world—if one reader at a time—using the gifts God gave me to inspire others to have a bit more compassion and bit more integrity..

IAN: Did you use an outline or do you just wing the first draft?

Steven Rosner: The Vulnerability of God would be impossible to write without a plan or outline. The concepts are so far removed from what 99 percent of the world assumes about God, it is like learning a new language. The early chapters take the reader step by step through basic ideas, so that he/she can comprehend the assertions and conclusions proclaimed in the last third of the book.

IAN: How long did it take to write The Vulnerability of God?

Steven Rosner: One Year--part time--despite a broken hip, and illness which prevented me from writing for several months.

IAN: Do you have a specific writing style?

Steven Rosner: No!!! Over the course of my life I have written in over 20 genres. Besides my books, I have written novels, short stories, poetry, plays, essays, business articles, user guides, legal briefs, song lyrics, exposés, mysteries, and four unpublished—as yet—Sherlock Holmes pastiches.

IAN: How did you come up with the title?

Steven Rosner: I was telling my cousin about the book and its purpose, but was stifled in finding an appropriate title that reflected both God’s power and sensitivity. Almost immediately, she suggested the title and I knew it was perfect!

IAN: What do you hope your readers come away with after reading The Vulnerability of God?

Steven Rosner: A desire to have a bit more integrity and compassion in their life, and for believers,  to feel empathy for God and not be afraid of Him! God is not a Control Freak! Talk to Him in the language you grew up with. He would love to help you achieve what you would like (as long as you do not take short-cuts and scheme against others who get in  your way.)

IAN: How much of the The Vulnerability of God is realistic?

Steven Rosner: Every single page!!! Anything I assert does not come from the recesses and speculations of my own mind, but it backed up multiple times via my experience and Scripture.

IAN: Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?

Steven Rosner: Much of what I assert is based upon my own life.

IAN: How is The Vulnerability of God different from others in your genre?

Steven Rosner: It is totally unique! No book asserts or even hits at many of the concepts of God I make explicit!

IAN: Name one entity that you feel supported you outside of family members.

Steven Rosner: God supported me and helped me write every single book. Unlike the vast majority of books  which acknowledges anywhere from 2 or 3 to dozens of individuals who helped the author, every single one of  my books I wrote alone without any human help!

IAN: Do you see writing as a career?

Steven Rosner: Not at my age, plus I do not make money from my books, but rather write them to inspire as many people as possible to consider their way of life.

IAN: If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?

Steven Rosner: Not a word!

IAN: Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?

Steven Rosner: A combination of guilt and arrogance. When the idea of a unique book project came to me, at first I resisted the tremendous effort it would take for me to write it. But I also thought no one in the world would or could—no matter how brilliant--write what I wished to say, So either I did it or the ideas would die with me.

IAN: Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

Steven Rosner: Forcing myself to write despite debilitating depression my whole life.

IAN: Do you have to travel much concerning your books?

Steven Rosner: No, but I would love to if anyone who read them wanted me to speak about my books before an audience.

IAN: Who designed the cover?

Steven Rosner: My wife, Audrey.  She designed the cover for all my books.

IAN: What was the hardest part of writing The Vulnerability of God?

Steven Rosner: Humans—at least this human—tend to be lazy. The biggest challenge was getting to the computer and writing at 3 AM, even while half-asleep and/or in the throes of a depression. Also, painstaking research was always difficult for me as I tend to be impatient.

IAN: Did you learn anything from writing The Vulnerability of God and what was it?

Steven Rosner: I learned an enormous amount about God, and felt much closer to Him.  Sometimes I cried when Scripture described His pain. I also learned my standards of behavior were higher than God’s! So now I am considerably more flexible in what I allow myself permission to do!

IAN: Do you have any advice for other writers?

Steven Rosner: I said this many times and I’ll say it again.

First: Follow the advice of David Westheimer, author of a number of novels, including Van Ryan's Express, which was made into a movie. He said, “You need only do two things to write a novel: put one word after another; do it one day at a time.” This is great advice not only for a novel, but for any book, short story, or essay.

Second: The most important thing in writing is the idea. They are so precious! Don’t lose them! When one or more ideas occur to you—day or night—stop what you are doing and jot it down on anything handy. (Best keep a small pad with you.) Later, when you get to your computer, put it on the last page of your document and write as much about it as you can. As you proceed with the book, you’ll know when and where to add it. At that point, cut it from the back of your manuscript, paste it where necessary, and get it in shape.

Third: When composing, if you are like me—-a bit obsessive—wanting to get the part you are working on perfect, fight that tendency! Every sentence/paragraph you put down does not have to be complete the very first—or second—draft. Trying to make it so, will waste unbelievable time. For example, if you cannot find the exact word or sentence to describe something, use a related word, adding “xx” at the end. Then your  “spell check” will pick it “xx” out as many times as necessary, until the best word/description comes to you.

Fourth: Find a good copy editor to make your book literate. No matter how good you are as a writer, or editing works by others, you will miss any number of problems, incorrect usage, spelling, grammar, etc., in your manuscript. And a book that is poorly written, even if the author is brilliant, will turn off readers, reviewers, etc. Since it is very expensive changing a book, tell your editor:

Please do not be afraid of hurting my feelings. Any suggestion, however, trivial is not only welcome, it is your job! I have no ego invested in how I express myself! Even the suggested removal or addition of a comma will be greatly appreciated! If you don’t find 75-100 problems in my manuscript, I’d be shocked.

Fifth: Believe in yourself and your work! Literacy aside, writing is extremely subjective. No one has the right or wisdom to tell you, that overall, your book is of poor quality, or “you’ll never amount to much as a writer.” Any suggestions about improving your book should be specific and tactful, such as, “I believe there are inconsistencies in the plot,” or “You might want to double-check your sources for what you state on page 93.”

Anyone daring to criticize you personally is an imbecile. He/she could be the chair of the English Department at Harvard which, alas, is unfortunate for those majoring in that subject matter. 

Sixth: The hardest task is to write from your heart! Do not try to figure out what your readers and/or the publisher expects. It is your work, not theirs! It is not only a waste of time, but readers will sense when you aren’t committed to what you are stating, and be turned off. Writing a book is to express oneself, not to make a million dollars. If you want to make money, get a job on Wall Street!

Seventh: So-called “Writers Block (WB)” is completely fiction!  Don’t spend thousands for therapists who supposedly will help your overcome it. If you get to a point, where the ideas stop, your mind is muddled, and you can’t seem to write anything, don’t beat yourself up and spend hours trying to get through it.  Play golf, go bowling or dancing, see a movie, or go to a Bach concert . . .  get away from your book for a couple of days. Your creativity will return when you least expect it.

You see, Writer’s Block is actually a blessing—not a curse. It is an early-warning system; a safety valve; like the overflow tube in car radiators. It is your soul knowing and informing your ego that what you are planning to write is not worthwhile, and not part of who you are. WB prevents you from writing that which is not from your heart and which you will regret if it were published! If you try to force yourself to write, whatever you put down will be of little value. Again, get away from your book; a day or two; a week or even longer. When you return you will  have clarity and the words will flow off your pen!

IAN: Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

Steven Rosner: Whatever your faith, culture or ethnicity, try to become a little more compassionate, look for opportunities to be kind, and resist selling out your integrity. Don’t use the excuse “everyone does it”—and consider that God knows everything you do and everything you think.

Always keep in mind all you do will come back to you. Whenever you go out of your way for another, God will go out of his way for you!

And if you find my books worthwhile, please tell your friends. I determine the list price which I make as inexpensive as possible. My royalty for each book averages less than 60 cents, so it is not about making money, but inspiring as many people as I can to be better humans.

IAN: Tell us about your next book or a work in progress. Is it a sequel or a stand-alone?

Steven Rosner: I am taking a short respite. Having published 1 book and 2 papers in 2024, I am concentrating on marketing all my books, and perhaps even finding a literary agent to help me.

[1] We have written elsewhere that this is not the first universe: See Rosner, Steven, The Five Books of Moses: 99 Amazing Insights, (Colorado, Outskirts Press, Inc, 2021, P. 20.)

[2] Isaiah 45:18.

[3] Psalm 82.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Joan Wahl - The IAN Interview

Joan Wahl

I live in western New York where I enjoy all four seasons (although not so much the lake effect snow!)  In addition to being an author, I am also a wife, mother, sister, and grandmother, and work full time as a legal secretary.  I have been a reader my entire life, and read a little bit of everything, from mysteries, love stories, true crime, the occasional memoir, and historic fiction.  I love to travel, cook, photograph lighthouses, and watch football. 

Summer Love in Music City was born out of my love for country music, and all things Nashville. I watch a lot of country music videos, which remind me of a four-minute short story, and sometimes I want to know more. My main female character, Summer, falls in love with a famous country music superstar.  When their eyes meet backstage after a concert, their worlds collide in a moment of perfect serendipity.  But how can they navigate getting to know one another without the whole world watching and weighing in?

My book is available online at Walmart, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million and on Amazon in all formats – soft cover, hard cover, Kindle and Audible.  The audible version was narrated by famous actress and professional narrator, Michelle Williams. 

I wrote Summer Love in Music City with the intention of it being the first in a series, as I am always happy to find a book I love only to discover it is part of a series.   My publisher has the right to future works with the same characters, so I am hopeful that more stories will follow.  I am also in the beginning stages of drafting a stand-alone Christmas story. 


IAN: How long did it take you to write Summer Love in Music City?

Joan Wahl: My best guess is somewhere between six and seven months.  But then the hard work began!  I cannot feel creative sitting at a computer.  My book was entirely hand written, and then typed, printed, revised, proof read, and revised again.  When I wrote the last line of the book, I went back and re-wrote the first line to tie everything together.    

IAN: How did you come up with the title?

Joan Wahl: Without giving one of the most memorable moments away, it is based in part on the name of the main female character, Summer. Brody, her love interest, writes a love song for her entitled Summer Love.  They hope to keep Summer’s identity a mystery by implying that he has a summertime love interest.  The song is an important part of the storyline as it progresses.  

IAN: Who designed the cover?

Joan Wahl: Probably the most “fun” homework assignment my publisher gave me was to go to several bookstores and look at covers that interested me.  I sent them my ideas, along with a description of what my characters and the background should look like, and their graphic arts team brought my vision to life.  

IAN: How is Summer Love in Music City different than others in your genre?

Joan Wahl: My book is both similar and different from others in the genre at the same time.  There is a strong family component, in addition to being a love story. In Summer Love in Music City, my main female character is a twin.  She is close to her family, particularly her twin sister, Autumn.  She recognizes that her decision to embark on a relationship with Brody will affect the lives of everyone she is close to.  I hope everyone who enjoys a close-knit family will find something in my story that they can relate to, and feel like they were transported to so many of the iconic places Summer and Brody visit.   

IAN: Are the experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?

Joan Wahl: I have met – but never fallen in love with – someone famous.  I have been fortunate to meet some of my favorite authors, actors, musicians and even my football hero.  I have given more than passing thought to what their “real” lives must be like.  How can they have a date night with their spouse or take their children to the zoo?   Is the price of their fame worth what they gave up?

I have, however, traveled to many of the places featured in my book.  I have had many a biscuit at the Loveless Café, a frozen hot chocolate at Serendipity III, and visited the Grand Hotel.  I hope featuring places I have visited has made my story more believable.    

IAN: What was the hardest part of writing Summer Love in Music City?

Joan Wahl: The hardest part of writing the book was coming up with the conflict.  What could cause Summer to lose faith in Brody and their relationship?  It had to be believable, true to the characters, and also to the arc of their story.  I had already envisioned how they would reunite, but first I had to separate them.  I wanted my readers to be so invested in the storyline that they would experience all her emotions – anger, sadness, betrayal.  And experience Brody’s confusion, desperation, and willingness to give everything up for the woman he loved.  

IAN: Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

Joan Wahl: I used to say if I could change places with anyone for one day it would be New York Times bestselling author Wendy Corsi Staub.  One of her earlier works written under her pen name is a time travel story entitled If Only in My Dreams.  Every December when I read it, it transports me to a different place. I feel the confusion and disbelief of the character who travels back and forth in time.  Her desire to try to change history, the fate of the man she has come to love.  Her mysteries are equally intriguing and impossible to put down.  Wendy grew up very close to where I live, and she returns to the area frequently for author talks and book signings.  I have met her on numerous occasions.  She is personable, down-to-earth, and genuinely enjoys engaging with her fans. I could never hope to be as prolific or successful as she is, but I do hope to foster the same kind of connection with my readers.   

IAN: Do you have a specific writing style?

Joan Wahl: I began to think about writing a book in March of 2020 when the world as we knew it changed dramatically.  I did not start with an outline, just a basic idea.  At the beginning, it was a fun hobby.  After about 9 or 10 weeks when I returned to work full time, Summer and Brody were still there, and would not leave my thoughts for long.  Their story deserved to be finished.  Even though I was the one writing their story, I felt like they were driving the train.  I would occasionally have a thought or idea and reject it because it was not true to their characters.  I have never set aside a specific amount of time each day to write, or try to write a certain number of words each day.  But I never know when inspiration will strike, and I have been known to write down an idea on almost anything from the back of a bank receipt, grocery list or envelope.        

IAN: What do you hope readers come away with after reading Summer Love in Music City

Joan Wahl: I am a mother whose daughter lost her first child. Nothing makes you reevaluate your life more than tragedy.  One of the scariest things I have ever done was hit the “submit” button and send my book to a publisher.  I knew I could be a dismal failure, a smashing success, or something in between.  My advice is to do something that challenges you.  You may not want to write a book, but perhaps you always wanted to learn how to paint or sail, go back to school, or audition for a play.  I also want you to cherish your friends and family members.  If you would like to follow me on my Facebook page, Joan Wahl author, I would love for you to join me on this journey.           

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Kaaren Sutcliffe - The IAN Interview

 Kaaren Sutcliffe

I was hooked on fantasy from first year high school when my English teacher read The Hobbit to the class.  She had a large crystal ball on a necklace, which glinted as it moved with her breaths … just magic.  When I was on maternity leave, I found the time and brain space to begin my own fantasy novel, with a strong thread of romance. Eight novels later, I still love this genre and my latest series manages to combine my writing with my new sport of dragon boating. More magic. I live on the stunning south coast of Australia, where inspiration is easy to come by.

IAN: Tell us about your latest book.

Kaaren Sutcliffe: Eminent Mage, book 3 of The Mage & the Bird Caller was released at the end of 2023. This series has been so much fun to write. It features a handsome spy, Mage Everand, who is sent on a secret mission by his Mages’ Guild to find out who is sabotaging the inaugural gathering of the four surrounding river provinces. He has seven days to unravel the threat. His mission goes awry from the outset: he is translocated into the river, nearly run over by a dragon boat and spotted by the entirely desirable woman standing up steering the boat! So much for being undercover.

The simple mission gathers in complexity, and the boatwoman, Lamiya, who has her own mysterious bird calling abilities, is everywhere he turns. Realising he needs her, he relies on her evolving mystical abilities as they face increasing threats from a rogue half-mage, an incensed ancient river dragon, and a growing awareness that all is not right at the Mages’ Guild. By book 3 Everand has lost his heart to Lamiya and his destiny has been diverted. The ancient red dragon, Akachi, reveals the entire history of the Guild has been a lie, and is a force the provinces and mages must reckon with. The Mage and the Bird Caller, working together. must find a way forward.

IAN: Is Eminent Mage published in print, eBook or both?

Kaaren Sutcliffe: The three books are all available in print and e-book versions. I hope to release an e-book trilogy set soon.  

Amazon, AmazonUK, AmazonAU, Smashwords, ESentral, and at Barnes&Noble.

IAN: Do you have a specific writing style?

Kaaren Sutcliffe: My preferred writing style is closely-held, deep third-person perspective for the two or three key characters. I aim to write a chapter in a viewpoint before changing, and love the way this can show differences between how a character sees themselves and how others see them. I try to keep my writing active, engaging, highly visual and the plot moving along. When I write, I see the characters moving and speaking and I am transported there, living and feeling what they do. I’ve been told by readers that my books would make excellent movies. I also like to keep an underlying sense of humour and have the lead characters stuff up on occasion. This offsets and enhances the truly poignant moments. I like those too.

IAN: What do you hope your readers come away with after reading Eminent Mage?

Kaaren Sutcliffe: Mainly, I hope readers enjoy the roller-coaster ride and have been barracking for the protagonists. My characters tend to insist on adding layers and themes to my stories, so by the end there are many thoughts readers can take away. These include the concepts surrounding integrity and self-worth, betrayal and forgiveness, how far would you go for love, how far will you go to do what is right, the value and strength in working together, loyalty, camaraderie … forgiving oneself and the link between our spirit and our bodies. And, I say with a smile, if readers are a little impressed by the sport of dragon boating that would be good too.

IAN: Name one entity that you feel supported you outside of family members.

Kaaren Sutcliffe: There are a few, but the standout one has to be Dragons Abreast Australia. As a survivor of breast cancer, and hence a pink paddler, I am overwhelmed by the support from DAA for me as a paddler and an author. At the Pink Paddle Power regatta in Melbourne, December 2022, I was immediately adopted by the DA Canberra team to paddle, and invited by DAA to be one of two keynote speakers at the Ball that night with the opportunity to sell my books. I think I’m affectionately known as ‘the dragon-nerd author-paddler’.  The welcoming, supportive vibes at DAA events is amazing. As a way of saying thank you, I donate $5 from each book sold directly by me to DAA on an ongoing basis. Paddles up!  My own local club, Nature Coast, has also been supportive and paddlers unfortunate enough to sit next to me are occasionally subjected to my literary adventures while we are out training.

IAN: Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

Kaaren Sutcliffe: I’m lucky in that my lead characters tend to present already well-formed and chatty about what they want to do. The character/s that I always struggle with are my antagonists. I like to think this is because I am a nice person … but it always takes me longer to shade and nuance my villain and to work out what their real motivations are. In some ways this is useful as when the villains are nuanced and 3-D it makes their actions and hence the outcome less predictable, which does wonders for the dramatic tension. In Eminent Mage, I specifically gave the rogue half-mage Malach the task of wreaking chaos. He was a total wild card, exceeding even my expectations! I had trouble turning him off, and when the story was finished and the book was being prepared for publication it encountered all these bizarre glitches — the editor suggested it was Malach still causing havoc.

IAN: Did you learn anything from writing Eminent Mage and what was it?

Kaaren Sutcliffe: I learned many things, but the key one was that it is a good plan to have at least started your book three before you send your book one to publication. Akachi, the red dragon, dropped a total game-changer on me early in book three, which meant I had to go back and tweak book one to set it up properly. But it was fabulous because the realisation made sense of all these threads I’d subconsciously planted, and it was a matter of drawing them together and refining them. A second major thing I learned was that if I’m struggling with a scene and it just isn’t flowing, I might not have chosen the best character viewpoint. There is one chapter that completely stalled me in Everand’s viewpoint, and as soon as I scrapped that and started again in Malach’s viewpoint the whole thing flowed.

IAN: Do you have any advice for other writers?

Kaaren Sutcliffe: Trust your characters, fall in love with them, let them breathe and help you. And learn to enjoy the process of rewriting.  To quote William Zinsser in On Writing Well, “It’s in the rewriting that the game is won or lost”.  Take your time with the polishing phase, ask if each scene is optimised, whether it is in the right character’s point of view, whether you can save a few words, say anything crisper or more evocatively? I was repeatedly amazed by how I could shave a few thousand words off each time I polished the books. Related to this, use a good editor and proofreader. I chose mine carefully, and the feedback gives me confidence that a book is ready, and I enjoy improving my writing from the things they pick up.  There’s always something that can be worked on.

IAN: Tell us about your next book or a work in progress. Is it a sequel or a stand-alone?

Kaaren Sutcliffe: I have two standalone books planned for 2024.

The work in progress (halfway already!) is a contemporary romance set on the south coast of Australia. Hayley, only 34, is a very young breast cancer survivor who goes to the coast to recuperate and rediscover herself. Her body and self-esteem have taken a beating. She accidentally discovers the local dragon boat club, and the handsome, muscled Chinese sweep and coach persuades her to give paddling a try. Justin, 35, looks like an Oriental warrior, and Hayley is soon smitten. Can she overcome her self-doubts to be with him? Justin is impressed by Hayley’s resilience and determination, and she is sooo pretty, but can he get past his policy of never dating in the boat? Let alone persuade his Chinese parents to accept that he loves an Australian girl. Scenes from this book have done really well in Romance Writers Australia short story competitions. The beginning is published in the 2023 Sweet Treats anthology, and the first intimate scene will be published in the 2024 Spicy Bites anthology.

The other book is a sequel to the Mage and the Bird Caller series, set in the fourth province of Riversea. Lamiya’s dedicated and handsome lead pacer, Lazuli, gets to have his own mission when the battered body of a sea serpent washes up on the beach in southern Riversea. Who killed the sea serpent and is the island of Ossilis under threat? Lazuli is sent to work with the people of Riversea to find out. While there, he comes across the exotic paddler and exceptionally talented artist, Charonia. Working title Trail of Bubbles.