IAN: Please tell us about your latest book.
S.B.: My latest book is entitled – Advance Chess : Inferential View Analysis – The Double Set
My next book is yet to be published is entitled:
Advance Chess : Random Access to Problematic Probabilities. Book 2 Vol. 3.
The book’s subtitle is: The Hybridization Polymerization of Matrix Poly-Plextics Informatics.
IAN: Is your book published in print, e-book or both?
S.N.: My books are published in both print and e-book.
IAN: Where can we buy your books?
S.N.: My books can be bought at Amazon.com
IAN: What or who inspired you to write Advance Chess?
S.N.: My cousin , Robert H. Brown , who is currently a British citizen residing in England and who holds a doctoral degree in English was influential in my decision to try a writing career besides my Engineering interests. Writing is a magnificent tool that enables me to promote ideas about Advance Chess to help enlighten others about the new styles and forms of playing Advance 3-D Chess as opposed to the rather draconian ways of conventional chess and offers some important moral compass for those readers who have an open mind to newer opportunities to explore and to exhaust the tapestry of psychological warfare under the philosophical guidance to exhaust the possibilities to newer ,informative approaches to life in general.
IAN: How long did it take to write Advance Chess?
S.N.: The time frame to complete and to publish each book averages about a month.
IAN: How did you come up with the title?
S.N.: I sought after title that are captivating and attention grabbing. Due to the sophistication of my books’ content, I describe the books’ titles that adds to my books’ complex nature.
IAN: How is Advance Chess different from others in your genre?
S.N.: My book differentiates from other similar genre books in that field on the market in that it offers special unique Diagrams, Illustrations, Drawings and Photos about the space-aged games of Advance 3-D Matrix Vector Logistics Chess, the first of any kind that is currently available in the marketplace.
IAN: What books have most influenced your life most?
S.N.: The books that have influenced my life most are: “The Tale of Two Cities” written by Charles Dickens and other similar book by the same author.
IAN: Do you see writing as a career?
S.N.: Writing has the potential of becoming a possible career choice. Presently this choice is in synchronization with my Time availability and Talent Resources (efforts, skills, aptitude ).
IAN: Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?
S.N.: My interest in writing probably originate in high school in my English classes.
IAN: Do you have any advice for other writers?
S.N.: The publishing business has a competitive market with many authors both well-known, because the readership love their style or genre of writing and unknown because the author may be new to the industry. It is important that you work in your genre stands out from the crowd of published authors. One may have to ask oneself the following questions to succeed in the book writing industry:
a. What makes my work unique?
b. Why would a reader want to read my book?
c. Am I allowing my published work speak for itself without being so pretentious?
d. Do I emulated a passion for writing my book?
e. What would compel a reader to purchase my book?
f. Do I have the right organizational skills to write my next book in an orderly sequence and format?
IAN: Tell us about a work in progress.
S.N.: My next book is a sequel or series of books that discusses the Double Set Games for the Longitudinal Star Gate 14 Model, Model III.
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