
Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Ivan Muñiz-Brown: The IAN Interview

 Ivan Muñiz-Brown

Ivan is a free man, a worker and a truth seeker, and thus a revolutionary. He is the founding member of the AFWP. Ivan has spent years studying logic, mathematics, classic literature, history, natural theology, ontology and political philosophy. He has a bachelor’s degree in economics, and he is a bus driver in Los Angeles, California.

IAN: Please tell us about your latest book.

Ivan Muñiz-Brown: Beyond the Kakotopias of the Liberal State and Its Nemeses is a deconstruction of the liberal state as an illegitimate political construct. It is an in-depth dissection of the catastrophic flaws of both Marxism and the bourgeois dystopia. And it is a book for all Americans living at the receiving end of that swindle.

I write from an experience familiar to many Americans: I am well-educated yet I work a low-paying job, often for almost double the hours of a regular workweek. In what free time I have, I put my economics degree to work by studying different branches of the field, as well as philosophy and history, to deductively deconstruct the current system and inductively infer the logical alternative.

More than anything else, Beyond the Kakotopias of the Liberal State and Its Nemeses is a road map to a worker-centered democratic and ethical state. It is a political alternative that starts with a clean break. It is free of the shallow dichotomy “left wing versus right wing” and it is an uncompromising leap of logic and will into a radically different future. And more importantly, it is a glimmer of hope for the forsaken—just about all Americans.  

IAN: Is Beyond the Kakotopias of the Liberal State and Its Nemeses published in print, e-book or both?

Ivan Muñiz-Brown: It’s available as both paperback and e-book.

IAN: Where can we go to buy
Beyond the Kakotopias of the Liberal State and Its Nemeses?

Amazon, Barnes & Noble,

IAN: How long did it take to write Beyond the Kakotopias of the Liberal State and Its Nemeses?

Ivan Muñiz-Brown: It took me 15 months to write the book and six additional months to go through all the different phases until it was finally published.

IAN: How did you come up with the title?

Ivan Muñiz-Brown: The title is both a hint of what the book is about plus a testament to the profound love I have for classical languages—specifically Greek and Latin. The etymology of the words “kakotopias” and “nemeses” is Greek. 

IAN: What do you hope your readers come away with after reading
Beyond the Kakotopias of the Liberal State and Its Nemeses

Ivan Muñiz-Brown: I hope they feel inspired to break free from old paradigms and assumptions that are overwhelming in the ethos of the laissez-faire state. Most of the ideas upon which this state is predicated are not truisms but rather ideological lies. Furthermore, the first step toward social and political liberation is to develop the capacity to ask fundamental questions and be willing to accept the answers, no matter how unsettling they may be. I think this book will help that purpose.

IAN: How is
Beyond the Kakotopias of the Liberal State and Its Nemeses different from others in your genre?

Ivan Muñiz-Brown: Unfortunately, the vast majority of books in this genre (social and political philosophy, political science and theory, etc.) are stuck in the liberal archetype, no matter the ideology the author subscribes to. In fact, all the present and historical counterparts of laissez-faire liberalism (communism, socialism, fascism, national socialism, and many other hybrids) were born as contraries of the liberal state and hence all of them are infected with many of the same ideological falsehoods. Moreover, academia has not helped matters because “intellectuals” and professors have been very reluctant to separate their own ideological inclinations from fundamental deontological principles that any legitimate state should adhere to. Tragically, politics without ethics is a destructive business.

IAN: What book are you reading now?

Ivan Muñiz-Brown: Harrie de Swart’s Philosophical and Mathematical Logic.

IAN: Do you see writing as a career?

Ivan Muñiz-Brown: I would like to make a living as a writer, but my interests as a man, worker, member of the body politic and finally author might be at the moment a very small niche. However, I am committed to work hard to expand that niche, more for the sake of the people than for my own sake.

IAN: If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?

Ivan Muñiz-Brown: I have heard some reasonable complaints about my idiosyncratic style and the excessive use of archaisms and philosophical lexicon. Sometimes I think I could have written in a more accessible way, but that requires skills that I might lack. It is indeed very difficult to write in plain English, specially when you are delving deep into complicated matters of political philosophy, political economy, ethics, etc. As for the archaisms, I certainly used a few to pay homage to Early Modern English and its masters. In this particular case, it was an artistic license born out of admiration and respect, and potentially a commercial toll that any writer should be willing to pay—lest his soul stops the creative flow in rebellion.

IAN: What was the hardest part of writing Beyond the Kakotopias of the Liberal State and Its Nemeses?

Ivan Muñiz-Brown: The time constraints were very challenging. I work long hours, at times exceeding 60 or even 70 hours a week. When I finally get to rest, I feel sometimes physically and emotionally drained. Under those circumstances it is not easy to muster up the energy and concentration to produce your best writing. However, the will is the most phenomenal force within—and possibly without—and I do believe when properly channeled, there is nothing that can stop you.

IAN: Did you learn anything from writing Beyond the Kakotopias of the Liberal State and Its Nemeses and what was it?

Ivan Muñiz-Brown: I learned that the writing is the easiest and most rewarding stage in the publishing process. After the final script is completed, the hard work begins. This marketing tasks can be daunting and yet again, through the power of the will, there is nothing that can make you quit.

IAN: Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

Ivan Muñiz-Brown: This is a long-term struggle. I would ask them to remain patient, strong, honest and hopeful. Enjoy the journey and keep educating yourselves and those around you. As I said in the book, the ripples always expand outward from the hardcore to those who are the weakest or the most damaged by propaganda and indoctrination. This founding work is the spring from where this innermost hardcore can articulate more powerful political actions in the future.

IAN: Tell us about your next book or a work in progress. Is it a sequel or a stand-alone?

Ivan Muñiz-Brown: It will be a stand-alone on ontology and logic, which are some of the most worthy branches of philosophy, in my opinion. But because of the massive time constraints I face it will not be out before 2027.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Erica Mimran Sherlock: The IAN Interview

Erica Mimran Sherlock

Erica Sherlock, a retired teacher of 23 years, spent the better part of her life in the trenches with adolescents, empathizing with their joys and their strife, their hopes and their angst. Inspired by the hundreds of students who taught her more about life than she did them, and fueled by her lifelong dream of becoming an author, Erica has channeled her experiences into her debut book, Through Quick and Quinn. When she isn’t snuggling with her dog, talking to her garden plants, or feeding all of the neighborhood critters, she is surely enjoying a cup of coffee and meaningful conversation with her family and close friends.

IAN: Please tell us about Through Quick and Quinn.

Erica Sherlock: Flashbacks. Guilt. Self-Loathing.

Quick is a teenager drowning in the aftermath of an unspeakable tragedy. Estranged from his dysfunctional parents and disconnected from peers, he numbs his pain with endless distractions, struggling through each agonizing day.

Meditations. Crystals. Self-Awareness.

Quinn, a self-imposed outcast, seeks refuge in the spiritual world. After a heartbreaking loss, she immerses herself in energy healing, embracing nature's solace and striving to move forward with positivity and gratitude.

Both uninterested in forming connections, Quick and Quinn are shocked to discover a bond that propels them on parallel journeys of self-discovery. Grappling with traumas that shattered their childhood innocence, they muster the courage to uncover truths behind their circumstances. Delving into research and introspection, they unveil a cascade of questions about the world around them, navigating through a perceived web of lies. Their unexpected friendship ignites a desire for discourse, prompting them to challenge the status quo and invite others to do the same, despite the risks.

Quick and Quinn were bold enough to share their tale. Will you be brave enough to read it?

Just know this:

Their story challenges the narrative.
Their story exists in the uncomfortable.
Their story says all the quiet parts out loud.

IAN: Is Through Quick and Quinn published in print, e-book, or both?

Erica Sherlock: Through Quick and Quinn is offered in both print and e-book, and the audio version is expected to be available in Summer 2025.

IAN: Where can we go to buy Through Quick and Quinn?

Erica Sherlock: Through Quick and Quinn is available through Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

IAN: Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?

Erica Sherlock: I have always wanted to be an author.


You know the movie Inception, where it’s like a dream within a dream? Well, I carry with me a distinct memory within a vivid memory. It was my senior year in high school and I was sprawled out on my bedroom floor, surrounded by markers, magazine clippings, and glue. As I was creating the vision board for Mr. Worley’s class and emboldening the word AUTHOR with thick marker, I experienced a deja vu moment when I recalled doing the exact same thing for a project way back in elementary school.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve dreamed of creating with the written word.

Tucked in a dusty box that rests high up in our spare bedroom closet are notebooks upon notebooks of random story ideas and mediocre attempts at poetry. But you know how it goes. Life unfolds, the family grows, the priorities change. It wasn’t until recently that I was able to dedicate myself to chasing the dream, and I thank God each day for the opportunity.

So, no. I do not recall how or when my love for writing began. It predates my memory.

IAN: Did you use an outline or did you just wing the first draft?

Erica Sherlock: I utilized an outline of sorts, one could say. After attempting to write in different places and settling into what became my preferred space, I used the nearby wall as the home base of my organization. Taped to the wall were color-coded index cards that I used to map out the path of the story, plan the timing of the subplots, and track the character contributions to the novel. Sticky notes of ideas and snippets further adorned the window, also color-coded of course. Additionally, I kept three different notebooks within arm’s reach at all times: one for keeping track of particulars, one for my ongoing brainstorm regarding Quinn’s LL, and one for the handwritten database of possibilities for Quick’s digs. (LL? Digs? You’ll have to read the novel to find out!)

IAN: How long did it take to write Through Quick and Quinn?

Erica Sherlock: It took approximately eight months to write Through Quick and Quinn, after about seven months of sporadic mental note-taking.

IAN: Do you have a specific writing style?

Erica Sherlock: Through Quick and Quinn is a split first-person narrative, told through a variety of segments that oscillate between past and present. There are formal chapters, letters to family members, journal entries, text strands, flashback memories, and online forum posts. The segments vary in length and in style, making for an easy “storytelling” type of read.

My writing technique depended on the task at hand. Not only does Quick’s voice differ greatly from that of Quinn, but the reader will notice that his voice evolves over the course of his journey. I relied heavily on role immersion, beginning all writing sessions with a visualization exercise to help me channel the essence of the character as best as I could.

Honestly, if I were to answer this question simply, I would say that I write the way I speak!

IAN: Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?

Erica Sherlock: Absolutely. Through Quick and Quinn is so much more than just a book to me. It’s the culmination of decades of beautiful experiences in the classroom, combined with lonesome years of late-night, passion-driven, independent research. Every page is extremely personal to me, as the elements within were all inspired by someone or something in my life.

IAN: What do you hope your readers come away with after reading Through Quick and Quinn?

Erica Sherlock: This book is chock full of numerous life lessons, but they all boil down to two fundamental messages: Be authentic and think for yourself.

Quick and Quinn’s journeys are riddled with events that shape them, just as it is with each and every one of us. Both characters are highly relatable, even if only in the smallest of ways, and it is my hope that this reader-to-character connection reminds us all of four truths:

H - Hard times are temporary.
E - Even though self-awareness can be uncomfortable, it is vital.
A - Accepting and loving the self is imperative.
L - Love, peace, and joy are gifts that come with authenticity.

The other take-away would be the importance of thinking critically. Not only is it okay to question things we are told, but it is our duty to do so. Other people’s versions of the truths might not be the truth. Intuition is real and we should listen more carefully to the answers that rest within. We must be brave enough not just to seek the truth, but to speak it as well!

IAN: How is Through Quick and Quinn different from others in your genre?

Erica Sherlock: I would consider this book a work of principled fiction that can be read on different levels. On the surface, sure, it’s a remarkable coming-of-age story that will capture the hearts of many readers. There are deeper levels, however, that will hopefully entice the reader to try something new, ask something new, discover something new. You see, this book has a mission.

Through Quick and Quinn is a realistic young adult fiction novel, with the majority of the plot taking place during the protagonists’ final two years of high school. It was written with the high schooler in mind, with adolescent voices for the adolescents themselves. Why that age group? Well, here’s the way I see it: High schoolers today are incredibly bright, but they’re bored. They haven’t been encouraged to ask questions about the world around them, and yet they sense that things are off kilter. They’re intuitive. They’re underestimated. And they’re starving for truth. This book aims to address that boredom and those inklings, but in a way that encourages them to think critically, ask questions, and find answers before determining their own opinions. And in my own humble opinion, the whole world will benefit if this up-and-coming generation asks some really important questions.

After all, questions spark conversation.
Conversations spark action.
Action sparks change.

The topics that are addressed throughout Through Quick and Quinn are real. They affect you and your loved ones every single day, no matter what age you are. But these issues are the tough ones that nobody wants to talk about. They’re the ones that make us uncomfortable, the ones we want to avoid, the ones we want to brush under the rug.

Dozens and dozens of these tough topics are merely alluded to or just briefly mentioned in the book, and for a great reason: to pique the readers’ curiosities enough that hopefully they’ll do further research. There are, however, two primary issues that go beyond just a mention; they are boldly tackled from the first page to the very last. Addressing these two particular topics became a major passion of mine several years ago, so much so that it became difficult for me to converse with friends without bringing up the issues. As a result and understandably so, my social circle shrank, but my urge to raise awareness did not. This novel allowed me to engage with these two topics. To process them. To personalize them. To honor their significance.

And that is where the mission comes in.

To be completely honest, I crafted Through Quick and Quinn with the intention of forcing our hand. I wanted to remove the possibility of avoidance and make the reader uncomfortable. I wanted us to start talking about the issues that we’re all aware of, but rarely discuss. The ones that deserve to be examined and explored, and even more so, to be righted. This was the inspiration. This was the idea behind the book.

The entire mission of this novel is to provoke discourse.

IAN: Tell us about your next book or a work in progress. Is it a sequel or a stand-alone?

Erica Sherlock: Initially, I intended for Through Quick and Quinn to be a stand-alone novel. Even when I wrote the last page and throughout the months that followed, the story ended in my mind with the final chapter. Recently, however, I was blessed with another idea download. There just might be more to Quick and Quinn’s journey than I originally anticipated!

IAN: Name one entity that you feel supported you outside of family members.

Erica Sherlock: God. No question about it.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Louise Bélanger-The IAN Interview

 Louise Bélanger

Author of Your Words collection, Louise Bélanger is an artist and a gifted storyteller, both with words and photography.

Her inspirational poetry will transport you in her world where there is hope and trust in a loving God. Her faith is strong, and it will strengthen yours.

Her nature photographs will remind you of the beauty of God’s creation. From delicate flowers to breathtaking scenery.

IAN: Please tell us about your latest book.

Louise Bélanger: Your Words Your Love, my new release is the 4th book from Your Words collection. It’s a celebration of love. God’s love and ours in return. From intriguing to insightful, it overflows with story poems where faith, hope, salvation and trust in Him are center stage.

The reader will find a sense of peace and awe as they read about God through my eyes and my camera lens.

Among the pages of riveting verses are endearing photographs of nature in all its splendor throughout the seasons. From delicate flowers to stunning scenery.

I paint imageries with words and metaphors, this is how I describe my poetry, and I pair it with my photographs adding to the beauty.

The verses are sometimes comforting and other times thought-provoking but always uplifting.

Your Words Your Love is also personal, it’s my faith there on the pages for the reader to experience. It is meant to bring you closer to Him. To learn about our relationship with God.

I speak to your soul with simple words that have a profound meaning, and I add a stunning photograph next to it for you to stop and admire His creation.

IAN: Is your Your Words Your Love published in print, e-book or both?

Louise Bélanger: It is in print, both paperback and hardcover formats along with the e-book format.

IAN: Where can we go to buy Your Words Your Love?

Louise Bélanger: It is available at Amazon: Your Words Your Love at Amazon And via my website at: Louise Bélanger Author -books

IAN: What inspired you to write Your Words Your Love?

Louise Bélanger: God. Inspiration is a gift from Him, like our talents.

It comes from many sources: my life experience, a clever thought, a verse or stories from The Bible or stories I imagine…

IAN: Did you use an outline or do you just wing the first draft?

Louise Bélanger: Each poem is a little story or an idea that I want to communicate. I have a general idea of what I want to say, and I just write. Sometimes, while doing that, a thought cascades to another and the poem takes a turn.  

IAN: Do you have a specific writing style?

Louise Bélanger: It’s free-style poetry.

IAN: How did you come up with the title?

Louise Bélanger: I actually started with the title and as the ideas came for each poem, the title revealed itself to be perfect.

IAN: What do you hope your readers come away with after reading Your Words Your Love?

Louise Bélanger: A sense of peace, a sense of hope and a strong desire to get closer to God and know Him better.

IAN: Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?

Louise Bélanger: There are a number of poems based on events from my own life, my experiences.

IAN: How is Your Words Your Love different from others in your genre?

Louise Bélanger: I haven’t come across Christian free-style poetry paired with photographs. So, I gather there is a uniqueness about my collection.

IAN: What books have most influenced your life most?

Louise Bélanger: There are two categories, books to learn, books I read for entertainment. My go to author to learn is Max Lucado. And mysteries are books I enjoy reading.

IAN: What book are you reading now?

Louise Bélanger: He Still Moves Stones by Max Lucado.

IAN: Name one entity that you feel supported you outside of family members.

Louise Bélanger: Two wonderful ladies, one is a very talented author, the other one is a fantastic editor. Both of their support is very valuable to me.

IAN: Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

Louise Bélanger: There is always a connection between the poem and the photograph next to it. It is never random. I hope you will see it as you read my books.

IAN: Tell us about your next book or a work in progress. Is it a sequel or a stand-alone?

Louise Bélanger: All my books are stand-alone. And yes, I am getting some ideas to write a 5th book. This is my work in progress.


Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Hanna Hasl-Kelchner – The IAN Interview

 Hanna Hasl-Kelchner

Hanna Hasl-Kelchner helps organizations improve performance by bridging the gap between theory and practice to gain clarity about complex concepts and make more informed business decisions.


Hanna accomplishes this as a business strategist through her writing, speaking, consulting, and popular syndicated podcast, Business Confidential Now, and as President of Business M.O., LLC.


She grew up with a front row seat to the American Dream, watching her parents build a successful business and running her own before age 30. Those hands-on entrepreneurial experiences blended with formal business training and decades of practicing business law give her a unique perspective on what makes successful business cultures tick.


It’s also allowed her to be a trusted advisor to influential decision makers ranging from startups to the S&P 500, Big Tobacco, and the White House.

IAN: Please tell us about your latest book.


Hanna Hasl-Kelchner: Seeking Fairness at Work: Cracking the New Code of Greater Employee Engagement, Retention & Satisfaction examines the unwritten rules at work—rules that, when broken, keep employees from doing their best work and companies from fully flourishing.


It’s well known that high employee engagement drives organizational success. But, what’s less understood is the crucial role the implied social contract plays in this process and how unwritten rules betray employees’ legitimate expectations of fairness.


Using evidence-based science, academic research, interviews, and real-life stories, I analyze why traditional means of improving employee engagement fail and offer a practical five-part strategy to help raise employees’ game instead of their defenses.

IAN: Is Seeking Fairness at Work published in print, e-book, or both?


Hanna Hasl-Kelchner: Yes to both. Not only is it in print and e-book formats, but also audio for those who like to multi-task.

IAN: Where can we go to buy Seeking Fairness at Work?


Hanna Hasl-Kelchner: The book is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and through Ingram Sparks for librarians and retailers. For more information visit

IAN: What inspired you to write Seeking Fairness at Work?

Hanna Hasl-Kelchner: Two things motivated me to fire up my computer and write Seeking Fairness at Work. First, the continuous annual workplace polling by Gallup that reports engagement numbers year after year in the 60-70% range plus other research finding 75% of employees think their direct manager is the most stressful part of the job and 65% saying they’d rather have a new manager than a pay raise.

The second driver was my own firsthand experience with frustrated employees who shared their feelings of helplessness and anger over the years, upset about their company’s willful blindness to management behaviors that torched their dignity, confidence, and psychological safety.

It occurred to me that both sides of the desk were experiencing unnecessary pain and I authored this book to help heal those divisions.

IAN: Did you use an outline, or do you just wing the first draft?

Hanna Hasl-Kelchner: I definitely outlined the book multiple times. The final product looks dramatically different from its first draft.

IAN: How long did it take to write Seeking Fairness at Work?

Hanna Hasl-Kelchner: The actual writing process took approximately one year, but when you include all of the research and outline restructuring it was closer to five or six years. Definitely more than weekend project!

IAN: What do you hope your readers come away with after reading Seeking Fairness at Work?

Hanna Hasl-Kelchner: For executives, managers, and entrepreneurs my hope is (1) they acquire a new appreciation for their employees’ experiences and what it means for their managerial responsibilities of good asset stewardship, (2) gain a deeper understanding of why certain past efforts to improve employee satisfaction, engagement, and retention have failed and (3) discover why a synchronized five-part strategy focused on the employee-employer relationship is a smarter way to achieve extraordinary results.

For employees, my hope is that they find comfort in knowing their expectations of fairness at work are reasonable and justified.

IAN: How is Seeking Fairness at Work from others in your genre?

Hanna Hasl-Kelchner: Unlike other books in the leadership space, Seeking Fairness at Work offers a new perspective on employee engagement by reframing it as a response to how power is used in the workplace and how power causes leaders to miss solutions hiding in plain view. After all, employees are never more engaged than on the first day at a new job. It’s only after they discover how things really work that their enthusiasm starts to wane.

Identifying those “things,” those unwritten workplace rules employees secretly wish they could tell their boss about, is another way Seeking Fairness at Work differs dramatically from other books in this genre. It’s also why repairing workplace relationships requires the multi-pronged approach outlined in the book and I include over one hundred fairness factors to highlight incremental opportunities for positive change, as well as address the nagging doubts and fears managers may have in implementing them.

IAN: Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?

Hanna Hasl-Kelchner: It goes back to third grade when something I wrote was “published” in the school’s Inkling magazine. It inspired me to keep painting pictures with words.

IAN: What was the hardest thing about writing Seeking Fairness at Work?

Hanna Hasl-Kelchner: The most challenging thing about writing Seeking Fairness at Work was winnowing down the huge amount of research and connecting the dots in a practical, no-nonsense way.

IAN: Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

Hanna Hasl-Kelchner: Some people say, “Life isn’t fair, why should the workplace be fair?”

And the answer is simple: Leaders and managers need to get work done through others. It requires cooperation.

Fairness greases those wheels by giving everyone something they want and need. It’s about being reasonable, not being taken advantage of. Unfairness misaligns those gears.

What that means for managers is that fairness is not about charity. It’s smart business. It’s a management superpower because it lets everyone win.

That’s why I encourage readers to share the book with leaders who want to prosper.

IAN: Tell us about your next book or a work in progress. Is it a sequel or a stand-alone?

Hanna Hasl-Kelchner: My next book will probably be a 20-year anniversary edition of my first book, The Business Guide to Legal Literacy: What Every Manager Know About the Law, which was published by Wiley in 2006. Technology changes have altered the business landscape in a way that makes organizations more vulnerable than before and increases their need to be more proactive in managing risk exposure.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Karin Adams: The IAN Interview

Karin Adams

Karin Adams was born and raised in Winnipeg, Canada. She holds a Master of Arts degree from the University of Winnipeg and pursued doctoral studies at Harvard University in the field of ancient languages and texts. After teaching at the University of Winnipeg for seven years, Karin returned to writing fiction. Shortly after her first novel was published, Karin began sharing her love of the writer’s craft by offering creative writing workshops. Since then, writing and teaching writing have been at the center of Karin’s life. She has written four more books including the acclaimed middle grade novel Frostbite Hotel and has shared her novel-writing process with thousands of writers of all ages and stripes.

IAN: Please tell us about your latest book.

Karin Adams: It’s time to crush the blank page, shed your writer’s angst and write the novel you were meant to write! The One Week Writing Workshop:7 Days to Spark, Boost or Revive Your Novel shows you how to write a novel step by step.

I’m presenting you with a complete writing-workshop-in-a-book! I’ve broken down my own writing process into a methodical series of fun, inspiring bite-sized activities that you dive into almost immediately upon opening the book. I’m going to help you draw out your own ideas and grow them into something special. I believe in learning through doing and gaining confidence through action. I’ve taken this approach since 2010 in my creative writing workshops with thousands of participantsand it works! By the book’s end, you’ll have practiced a complete novel-writing method with your own ideas and have everything you need to write the novel you’ve been dreaming of.

The book “works” whether you’re a new writer with lots of questions about the craft, or a more seasoned writer looking for inspiration or a fresh perspective. Plus, the book “converts” into a reference guide for your shelf ready to help you out the next time you face a creative crisis or run up against writer’s block.

IAN: Is The One Week Writing Workshop published in print, e-book or both?

Karen Adams: Both.

IAN: Where can we go to buy The One Week Writing Workshop?

Karen Adams: My book is available in Paperback and Hardcover, and on Amazon Kindle, Kobo, Nook, Google Books, and Apple Books. You can find all the book details and purchasing information here:

IAN: What inspired you to write The One Week Writing Workshop?

Karen Adam: Over the years, I’ve discovered a passion for sharing my writing process with others. It’s exciting to watch how my lessons help spark stories and the joy of writing in those I’ve worked with. I’ve also seen stuck, reluctant writers come out of their shells when doing my activities. I wanted to capture and recreate the energy of my in-person workshops in book form with The One Week Writing Workshop. While we won’t be in the same room, I wrote the book in a way that makes it feel like we’re in this together. Plus, the advantage of the book format is that you can go at your own pace, doing more or less in a given session depending on your mood and circumstances. That’s not always possible in an in-person workshop!

IAN: How did you come up with the title?

Karen Adams: I’ve offered different standalone workshop sessions and a variety of themed writing classes. But by far, my most popular program was my week-long workshop series that focused on my writing process start-to-finish. Each day, we explored a different step in my process, from generating ideas right through to doing revisions. I decided to take that week-long program and turn it into The One Week Writing Workshop book.

IAN: What do you hope your readers come away with after reading The One Week Writing Workshop?

Karen Adams: I hope that readers come away feeling confident in themselves as writers and inspired to write the stories they’ve always wanted to write. So often when we’re getting started, we can be intimidated by the immense distance between the story idea percolating inside us and the finished novel we want to produce. I want to help writers to see that that big, intimidating gap can be broken down into small steps—in fact, I’ll even show you which steps to take! And because you start taking steps right away, immediately shaping your own ideas into something real, we can shrink that gap rather quickly and get on with joy of writing.

IAN: How is The One Week Writing Workshop different from others in your genre?

Karen Adams: What I love about books in general is that there is room for many voices and perspectives. It’s the same with writer’s guides, and I like to think of my book as another helpful voice alongside the others. What I believe I’ve done differently in The One Week Writing Workshop is to put a premium on taking immediate action. So much of what I’ve learned about the writer’s craft has come through the act of writing itself—and of course that’s where the joy and magic is to be found, too. So, instead of presenting theoretical lessons, beat sheets, or story templates to digest before you begin to write, we leap straight to the actual writing. Of course, we cover story essentials as we go, but we take it all in in bite-sized chunks to maintain our writing momentum, and to allow you to discover for yourself what writing is and what it means to you.

IAN: Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?

Karen Adams: One of my fondest memories from childhood is story time before bed with my mom. When she read me my first chapter book, The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, I was in awe of this pictureless book that put so many pictures in my head. I wanted to do that one day, too. And—it’s what I’m doing now!

IAN: What was the hardest part of writing The One Week Writing Workshop?

Karen Adams: There are over 70 lessons and strategies in my book and it was very important to me to keep my explanations brief. I wanted my book to prompt my readers to write and explore, not to lay out every single thought I’ve ever had about writing. That’s how I conduct my in-person workshops—a little bit of presentation, then participants write. However, in a live workshop, you have the benefit of visual aids to point to in real time, and of course the floor is open to your participants’ questions and clarifications—not so in a book! So, I worked hard to keep things brief and lively while still trying to anticipate what readers might wonder about and making sure all the information was there. I did a lot of reflection not just on my workshop presentation notes, but also on the questions and discussions that arose in the sessions to best distill them into book form.

IAN: Did you learn anything from writing The One Week Writing Workshop and what was it?

Karen Adams: I knew that I loved writing fiction and I knew that I loved working with other writers in-person. With this book, I’ve discovered that I also love to write about writing. I won’t call it easy, but writing The One Week Writing Workshop certainly felt quite natural for me. I’m very happy with the book’s tone, which I think feels friendly and conversational. I hope my readers think so, too.

IAN: Do you have any advice for other writers?

Karen Adams: If you ever feel overwhelmed, remember to take things step by step wherever you can. Break whatever place you’re at or whatever creative problem you’re facing into smaller steps, or even into just one step—then take it. Often, even doing one small action creates forward movement and a sense of momentum that can fuel you to take another, and then another. 

IAN: Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

Karen Adams: If you have the desire to write a novel and are nurturing even the smallest spark of an idea, you can absolutely do it. Certainly, there are skills to develop and concepts to learn and it will take creative energy, but with a little guidance and some concrete action, you can be well on your way to telling the story you’ve always wanted to tell.

IAN: Tell us about your next book or a work in progress. Is it a sequel or a stand-alone?

Karen Adams: I’m getting ready to launch an online video course based on The One Week Writing Workshop at I’m also in the process of putting together a writer’s guide specifically for teachers and writing group leaders.